Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Let's Try This SBS Girls

Okay let's give this blog a try!!


petrii said...

Any one made it over?

Carrie said...

I'm here.

Georgia said...

I,m here

2cats said...

I just go there.

petrii said...

good I can see you ~~ do ya'll see me?

2cats said...


Rebecca Jo said...

Yep... I see you - see everyone! YIPPPEE

Carrie said...

I can read everyone's comments. It just takes a few minutes before they will load.

petrii said...

Now to that first question.

I want you to talk about a few things that have happened in your lives that Satan would love to use to curse you. Can you think of any?

Carrie said...

Well, that time it loaded faster, so maybe everything is working well now. Praise the Lord!

petrii said...

Praise the Lord indeed!! I'm sitting here praying and He is answering!!! I love You Father ~~ Thank you!!

Rebecca Jo said...

that first question kills me because Satan uses my past mistakes daily to curse me... its hard when he throws the past at you.

Carrie said...

This sounds crazy, but in the season I'm in my life, my answer is motherhood. It's a wonderful thing and a blessing from God. But, right now it is also the way Satan tries to attack me. He gets into my mind and makes me focus on what I'm doing wrong and the mistakes I make.

2cats said...

I am not sure if this answeres the questions but...
My husband and I have just gone through 10 years of a really difficult time. At times I knew I was just going to give up and move away. But, I stayed because I knew that God wanted me too. I know that Satan tried his best to make me bitter and angry, because at times I was. But, I kept coming back to the fact that God chose this man for me and I could not give up hope.

petrii said...

Yes I agree RJ. In this current season he is trying to make me feel like a COMPLETE failure as a parent. But God... don't you love that ... He is on the throne and He loves us deep and He is working on our behalf in ways we do not know at this time, but it is happening, as certain as I am sitting here typing ~~ it IS happening!! Thank You Jesus!!

Rebecca Jo said...

Carrie - I can see that - where the thing you try at the most & want to do the best job at, Satan can throw in doubt & make you question yourself... that's very true..

trudy - Bitterness & anger - those are some mighty things Satan likes to throw at someone. Good for you for reminding yourself on God's plan for you & your husband!

petrii said...

Oh Carrie, motherhood is an area that Satan will ALWAYS try to use. But you are such a good mama friend!! I LOVE watching you with Hayden.

And Trudy, what a testimony you have girl.

2cats said...

I think we have all had doubts about our capabilities as a mother. I know that I still have my doubts at what kind of job I have done, and he is 26.

Rebecca Jo said...

Dawn - you are one pretty awesome momma yourself! ;)

petrii said...

So let's go on to Question #2:

Share a season in your life when you feel like you wept forward and when you have wept backwards.

petrii said...

Ahh thanks RJ, but I'm pretty sure Dak might disagree some days =)

Georgia said...

Carrie hang in there you are doing a great job

2cats said...

I didn't understand this concept when I read it in the book and I didn't understand it when I read it later on your blog, and I still don't understand it.

Georgia said...

We are in the process of moving our 80 year old parents. It has become a struggle with my brothers and sister .

Carrie said...

Trudy, I'm glad you said you didn't understand. I think it's important to know before you answer the question. My take on it is that there will be times of weeping. Weeping forward, to me, is weeping while moving on with the Lord. Weeping backward is weeping while staying where you are or turning back to where you've been. But, I'm not sure that's what it really means.

petrii said...

Georgia ~~ I know it is so tough. Everyone has an opinion and thought, but hang in there. God knows your heart.

Rebecca Jo said...

I know my weeping backwards is once again when Satan uses the past to draw me back to the state of feeling unforgiven... its like I'm back to square one... which is so dumb - but happens all the time...

And weeping forward - its hard to pin point an exact "situation" but I have felt tears at a time & not really seen progress, only to later see God's hand in it...growth come later

2cats said...

And is the referring to actually crying?

petrii said...

Carrie, that is a beautiful definition of this. That to me, is exactly what it is.

Currently I am in a season of weeping forward in Him. My heart is sad, but I am weeping with a purpose. Even given this situation and all that it entails and all it's baggage, I want more of God in my life.

I'm praying for deeper understanding and a deeper every-growing trust and to believe Him for more and more in my life and as it relates specifically to Dak.

Rebecca Jo said...

Trudy - I know what you mean... it took me some reading over & over to get the concept...

Georgia - family situations can be so rough... especially when everyone doesnt agree... hang in there lady... I know in the end, everyone has the best for your parents at heart - right?

Rebecca Jo said...

trudy - I take it as a crying of the heart - which can be a literal crying = or a crying of the heart = an ache = pain, grieving...

Carrie said...

RJ I hate how Satan brings up things from the past. It's so hard for us to forget the way Jesus does. And Satan loves to see us defeated even when we know we shouldn't be.

petrii said...

I wept backwards back in 1986 when my first husband was killed in a tragic accident. I got so stuck. I was bitter and angry and my weeping just kept me stuck in that pattern. It took many years to break free from it. It took rededicating my life to Christ and living my life sold out to Him. Now when I think of David I still get sad sometimes, but any weeping comes in the form of growth and understanding. God has greatly helped me in this area. I hope this makes sense.

petrii said...

Oh so true Carrie ~~ so hard for us to forget the way Jesus does ~~ way that one hit home!!

Georgia said...

dawn the old song Have Faith In God is what I woke up to this morning. He has Dakota in the palm on his hands

2cats said...

Well, I don't actually cry. I just don't give up control like that. I cried all of 1974 and have not really cried since.
But, on the other hand, Like you said Dawn, my heart is crying for my son. I am trying to work through some things that I have done that have affected his life, and he doesn't even know it. Or maybe he doesn't even acknowledge it.

petrii said...

Thank you G ~~ I need to listen to that song again.

You are so right, Dak is right in the palm of his hands.

Carrie said...

My weeping forward happened just recently. My husband and I, along with several of our friends, felt God leading us to end a ministry we had been in for 9 years. It was sad to see it come to an end. But we are excited to see what God has in store for us.

petrii said...

Trudy ~~ we all will make mistakes with our kids, but God knows our heart.

I am learning how important it is to DAILY lay my son at His feet and keep my hands off!! It is certainly hard though. I want to fix what is broken. But only God can do that.

2cats said...

Boy isn't that the truth. Something I have to remind myself of daily. ONLY GOD CAN.

petrii said...

WOW Carrie it has been way too long since we have had a sit down. I need to come over!! But that is a beautiful picture of weeping forward ~~ excited to see what God has in store ~~ AWESOME!!!

Rebecca Jo said...

Carrie - I know its so hard to let go of a ministry that you've been a part of... but Yep, I'm sure God has some BIGGER& BETTER things ahead of you... even if that is one soul you will touch & lead to him... pretty cool stuff! I'll be sure to pray for you & God's leading & direction on that.

petrii said...

Okay, so this next question is what caused me to grab my computer and yell at BMoore this morning =) I was saying Beth Moore what are you doing to me girl? hahaha I know y'all can just see me.

Question #3: If you were writing a novel that was secretly about yourself right now and right in this season and you had to name it in the form of a question, what would it be?

2cats said...

I think it would have to be...
I'm glad I waited around, but isn't there more?

Georgia said...

This was really hard, but you need to Read Why, the path less chosen

Carrie said...

This was a hard question. The only answer I have is: What time is it?
I used busy to describe my life. Right now, I'm always wondering what time it is because I'm trying to calculate when the baby needs to eat next, how long she might be asleep for, is it time for her bath, etc.

So, what time is it? That's the best answer I can give.

petrii said...

Okay, so I was sitting at our church this morning and told God He was going to have to help me with this one. This is what we came up with:

Am I standing in the middle of the desert Lord? or is this an Oasis?

Have tears ever killed someone? (pretty sure that one was all me =)

Is this the Valley of the Giants?

petrii said...

That's a good one Carrie. You will look back on that answer one day and smile girl. I so know what you are saying!!

Rebecca Jo said...

I can come up with like 10 different titles... which shows how all over the place I am...

*Where am I supposed to go now God?
*How can I let one person make me feel so bad about myself?
*so does this mean I'm useless?
*Why cant I just feel your peace?
I could go on & on... where's my contract to write a novel! haha!!!

Carrie said...

Have tears ever killed someone? I'm sure sometimes you really think they will.

2cats said...


Rebecca Jo said...

"Have tears every killed someone" - whew... girlfriend - add that one to my list too!

2cats said...

I kind of think that if I were to start crying they might actually kill me, because I know they came real close before.

petrii said...

Yep Carrie, I've definitely had my moments. But I'm so thankful for good friends that allow me to weep forward in Him.

Georgia said...

Amen to that Carrie

petrii said...

Okay our last question for this session:

Practically speaking, how can you sow in your weeping?

2cats said...

We sow what we are weeping, by trusting in God, by becoming closer to Him, by staying in the Word.

Rebecca Jo said...

I'm not sure I grasped this question completely myself...

but I know what if I dont look to God's word or wisdom from Christian friends, then NOTHING would get sowed... I'd be sitting in the middle of all the reasons for tears & do nothing but hurt more... it all goes back to that moving forward or backward...

2cats said...

I learned that from reading all that you all have written. I didn't know it before, I mean I didn't understand it before.

petrii said...

"We sow WHAT we are weeping..." I've never thought of it that way before Trudy. WOW ~~ good thought!!

Georgia said...

I can cry before the Lord because most of the time I am by myself. Also I meed to stay faithful in my walk with God

petrii said...

Even though I may be sad in this season; even though my heart is breaking for my son, I can still sow into people the Lord Jesus Christ. I can still present the Gospel, and now I can do it from a place of really being able to see in the Spiritual the person accepting Christ, being renewed and changed NO MATTER their issue, because I can see this in the Spiritual for my own son. I can see the change taking place in him, even though it hasn't happened yet. I am believing God!!!

Carrie said...

I agree that you just have to continue seeking God daily and working for Him. It reminds me of a song. I don't know the name of it, but it says "While I'm waiting, I will serve you." Even though we may be going through a time of grief and mourning we must continue to serve the Lord. As RJ said, this might take some encouragement from others. But, as I think more about it, sometimes the sowing helps you get through the weeping by giving you a purpose to go on.

petrii said...

Girls ~~ thanks so much for hanging in there tonight. I will be checking out chat rooms and trying to get that set up. I will probably contact each of you seperately to do any set-up we need to do before two weeks from tonight.

God is doing a work. Please feel free to contact me at any time for prayer or discussion. I love you all so much ~~

Rebecca Jo said...

I LOVE that song... its from "Fireproof" - John Waller... Oh, that song is now in my head...

Rebecca Jo said...


petrii said...

Oh Carrie I LOVE that ~~ "the sowing helps you get through the weeping by giving you a purpose to go on."

Oh my ~~ that is good girl!!!

The song you are thinking of is by John Waller "While I'm Waiting". One of my fav's ~~

petrii said...

In fact this is the second time today this song has come up in conversation. Yep God is telling me somthing!!! Love that!!

2cats said...

I've never heard of John Waller, now I will have to look him up.

Rebecca Jo said...

I hope next week's questions go off today's lesson on "Humility' - today's really knocked me off my rocker... I know each person has days that speak to them... but I'm loving this study - loving hearing your "thoughts" & getting to know everyone deeper... & of course letting God speak...

Hope you all have some fantastic time in your studies!

Carrie said...

Thanks for the video link RJ.
Dawn I actually always think of you when I hear that song. A) Because you were the first person to tell me you liked it and what you thought the meaning was to it. B) Because you still have my Fireproof movie and I still have your Selah CD :-)

petrii said...

Oh Trudy ~~ look him up. He is SO good. Check out that youtube link RJ put up. This song is wonderful!!!

I will worship while I'm waiting...
I will serve you while I'm waiting...
I will worship while I'm waiting on You Lord.....

Georgia said...

Thanks Dawn I really enjoyed the discussion. God showed me that I'm not the only one out there that struggles with issues.

2cats said...

I am very glad I decided to come tonight. You all have helped to calm my spirit.

petrii said...

Heeheehee ~~ yep I know, your holding it for ransom. You will be happy to know that I now have your movie out by my DVD player. Yep we are getting closer to watching.

RJ, stop throwing stuff at your computer. Yes I know, I haven't seen it yet. Yes, I hear you all the way in MO!!! hahaha

2cats said...

Another thing I have not heard of? I must live on Mars ro something.

petrii said...

Oh G ~~ seriously you are NOT the only one girl!!! Looking so forward to seeing you later in the week and giving you your B-day present ~~

Trudy ~~ I am SO glad you came!!! Get ahold of me if you need ANYTHING!!

Rebecca Jo said...

DO WHAT???????????? Oh Dawn... get to it!!!

petrii said...

I think I'm your next door neighbor Trudy =)

2cats said...

Night everyone , see you in 2 weeks. Happy reading!

petrii said...

I know right? RJ I told you I was one busy slacker!!!

2cats said...

I'm in MInneosta Dawn

petrii said...

Good night Trudy ~~ love you dear one ~~ "see" you in two weeks!!!

petrii said...

Yeah, I was thinking we might be neighbors on Mars =)

Rebecca Jo said...

One more song... that goes with the other song... LOVE IT...

Great one to ponder & pray too


"When I dont know what to do"

Carrie said...

What time is it? Time to feed the baby and go to bed. See you guys in two weeks. (Except Georgia, I'll see you tomorrow:-)) It was wonderful talking to you all.

petrii said...

What time is it?

I love you Carrie ~~ you have a Blessed evening friend. Kiss that baby for her "Auntie" =)

petrii said...

This is a great song RJ ~~ listening to it right now. Love it!!

petrii said...

This is a great song RJ ~~ listening to it right now. Love it!!

Rebecca Jo said...

Oh, its a STAPLE in my prayer life... Glad you like it!

Off to get ready for bed... its 9:30 here!

Love you friend!

Hugs to all!

petrii said...

Love you RJ ~~ I'll be talking to you and I'll "see" you for more heart talk in two weeks ~~ love you ~~

petrii said...

Good night G ~~ thanks for all of your input ~~ you did good girl ~~ I'll be talking to you ~~ have a Blessed evening ~~

Georgia said...

Good night Dawn. It got a little easier. If you change formats I will need another computer lesson.

Love you Sis